British citizen Shaun Monaghan has been found engaged in illegal human traffic.

Tashkent - the city to gain from. This motto has been proved right many times for the people of different nationalities and origins. From time immemorial many thousands of people attempt to find the happiness here. The English citizen Monaghan Shaun became one of them. As a cook, he managed to be noted in this field in Great Britain, the USA, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and even India. Alas, the cook happiness seemed a little attractive to the adventurer and «personal Klondike». Brave Shaun decided to test himself in quality of «the large businessman» in far Uzbekistan.

Having decided to begin the professional life from scratch - it didn't stop even a personal victims and he has married the citizen of exotic Uzbekistan Lazareva Larisa Anatolyevna. Marriage appeared the mutually advantageous enterprise - newly appeared spouses opened a ... Read more »
Views: 105652 | Added by: DimaJust | Date: 18.03.2012 | Comments (10)

I have been through this story since 2011 when one of my friends tried to find job at Emirates Airlines and applied for opened vacancy at Lalsat International website.

Many qualified job seekers in former CIS space are looking for an international career opportunities and that is how hard it is to find one in a legal way.

It has been found strange that there is no any office Lalsat have in any of the locations they operate and the first question was asked: Do you have licence for employment of Russian citizens abroad? No feedback followed for the question and it was hardly possible to reach agency on the mobile number mentioned on the website and no clear answers were given.

Request has been sent to Federal Immigration authority to find out if Lalsat is operating legally in Russia? The answer was that there is no any information about such company operating in the country. She asked authority to look at thi ... Read more »
Views: 21544 | Added by: DimaJust | Date: 10.03.2012 | Comments (21)

Очередной британский подданный оказался замешан в торговле людьми

Ташкент - город хлебный. Этот девиз заставлял ни раз, и не два убеждаться в своей правоте людей самых разных национальностей и происхождения. Испокон веков сюда тянулись многие тысячи людей в попытках обрести свое счастье. Одним из них стал английский поданный некий Монахан Шон (Monaghan Shaun). По профессии повар, он успел отметиться на этом поприще в Великобритании, США, ОАЭ, Саудовской Аравии и даже Индии. Увы, поварское счастье показалось мало привлекательным для искателя приключений и «персонального Клондайка», и бравый Шон решился попробовать себя в качестве «крупного бизнесмена» в далеком Узбекистане.

Решив начать свою профессиональную жизнь с нуля - он не остановился даже перед личными жертвами и «связал себя по рукам и ногам» узами Гименея с гражданкой экзо ... Read more »

Views: 3624 | Added by: DimaJust | Date: 10.03.2012 | Comments (0)